Services: Brand Strategy, Collateral Materials, Logo & Identity, Messaging, Naming, Website
Swede Hill
A distinct and crafted brand for meticulously hand farmed wines.

Owners Colleen and Werner Nistler approached Think Joule to create a brand for their wine label that could translate to their vision of a fully operational vineyard on their west hills development property. Werner, who founded Touchmark in 1980, began assembling the land in the West Hills about 15 years ago with a vision of building an upscale retirement community and boomer condo development like none other in the city.
The Brand
After a deep dive into the vision and goals for the property, we recommended the name Swede Hill as an authentic nod to the historical legacy of the area. Working closely with the owners, the brand was created to represent their commitment to developing a meaningful legacy and amenity for future residents. Grounded in the wine culture that Oregon is renowned for, the identity for Swede Hill represents quality, sophistication and northwest values.

The big differentiator for the vineyard is its proximity to the city of Portland. The back label is designed to bring awareness to the extraordinary views from property over the city skyline. The goal: to bring notoriety to place.

A Digital Home
A fully responsive site was created to tell the story of the property, the owners, the winemakers and the present and future vision of the vineyards. The brand and design will give these expertly crafted wines the platform to earn a reputation far beyond their roots.